
Smoke & Mirrors: Castlemaine Fringe Winter Warmer

SMOKE & MIRRORS Dust off your sequins, bring out your bling There's excitement brewing at lot19 A night of sparkle, glimmer and shine Delicious cocktails and spiced mulled wine With our friends at Castlemaine Clay We bring you a night of fire and play Fire sculptures and pretty lights A night of entertainment and suprise delights […]

Augury: Ken Killeen

Augury: Ken Killeen Opens Saturday 10 August, 2pm Augury: prophetic divining of the future by observation of natural phenomena – particularly the behaviour of birds and their flight patterns or the examination of their entrails and other parts.Exploring the totemic qualities of birds, Ken Killeen's latest series of works are painted in a range of styles […]

Castlemaine Clay: Smoke & Mirrors Exhibition & Auction

Smoke & Mirrors: Exhibition, Celebration & Auction Castlemaine Clay present an exhibition and auction of works emerging from their specially built smoke-fired kiln. The kiln and works were built in a series of workshops, and the kin fired up as part of Castlemaine Fringe's Winter Warmer, Smoke & Mirrors. A fundraising exhibition and auction of […]

Inter Alia: Castlemaine Press

‘Inter Alia’ Inaugural Castlemaine Press members’ exhibition In a celebration of diversity in print, over 30 Castlemaine Press members will be exhibiting work at the beautiful Lot19 Gallery this September. Come and see what Castlemaine Press members have been exploring in print, made both at the Press studio just down from the Gallery, and in […]

Wordspoken: Felicity Cripps and Thumbnail Green

WORDSPOKEN: Spoken Word in the W-Class Tram Join us at lot19 for a very special equinox edition of WORDSPOKEN. This edition, we dance with poetic balance and the tension between dream and reality, light and dark. Featuring local and much loved singer/songwriter Felicity Cripps and sharp witted Thumbnail Green, with appearances from Sam Thomas and […]

Speaking of Renewal: Spring Community Philosophy Workshop

The days grow longer. The weather warms. The wind changes.Trees draw their sap up from their roots. New shoots emerge.What wisdom have we gathered from our winter hibernation?What nourishment might we offer our new shoots?Reading is a pathway into other times/worlds/perspectives. It is a way of drawing meaning up from the roots of the collective […]

Castlemaine Press: In My Backyard

In My Backyard: 7th Annual International Print Exchange Printmakers from around the world are invited to join Castlemaine Press in the 7th year of their International Print Exchange. An exhibition and sale of prints will be held at Castlemaine Press, Lot19 on Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th October 2024. This will coincide with the wonderful […]

lot19 Spring Sculpture Prize: Opening Celebration

The annual lot19 Spring Sculpture Prize returns in October, and as is tradition, we are throwing an opening celebration. The 2024 lot19 Spring Sculpture Prize opening party will take place on Saturday 12 October from 2pm, and will feature prize-giving, live music, the lot19 bar by Shedshaker Brewing, and food from Castlemaine Fringe. And of […]

Spring Sculpture Prize: Youth Workshop with Jodie Goldring

Make a Basket using recycled materials! Use recycled materials such as wool and cardboard boxes to make a colourful basket. Humans have been making baskets for thousands of years to hold and carry food and other objects. They look beautiful and are fun to make, so come along and learn a new skill!  There are many […]

lot19 Spring Sculpture Prize

The annual lot19 Spring Sculpture Prize returns in October. Since its inception in 2006, The Spring Sculpture Prize has been a key event in the Central Victorian artistic calendar. Featuring over $8,000 worth of prizes, independent judges and a three-week exhibition, the prize is beloved by artists and visitors alike.  There is an extraordinary array […]

Bonsoy Wallet Workshop

Free Workshop In 2024, we’re lot19 was honoured to announce the newly created Chloe Gunn Memorial Prize. This is a new prize in memory of the bright spark that Chloe was, for sculptures and art works made entirely from recycled materials. The inaugural Chloe Gunn Memorial Prize was awarded by Chloe's father, Trevor Scott, to Taron Stanley for his work A Meeting […]

Play Ground: Opening Night – Group Exhibition by CCH Exhibition Design Course participants

Opening Night celebration of Play Ground - A visual art exhibition by Alastair Gratton, Colleen Gale, Irma Zimmermann, Jodie Parker and Samantha Baring. These artists are recent participants in the Exhibition Design Course at Castlemaine Community House, and have brought together a diverse array of assemblage sculpture, installation, print, and paintings by local and regional […]